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directional relay中文是什么意思

用"directional relay"造句"directional relay"怎么读"directional relay" in a sentence


  • 定向继电器
  • 方向继电器
  • 方向替续器
  • 方向性继电器


  • Directional relays and power relays with two input energizing quantities
  • Electrical relays . part 12 : directional relays and power relays with two input energizing quantities
  • The chongqing electric power load system was set up in 1992 , and by 1996 , a control center composed by novell network , six bi - directional relay transmit stations , 2 unilateral transmit stations and 1260 diversified terminals have been established , which covered areas managed by the former electric power bureau of chongqing . the system scope of the established electric power system was on the top place among the large and middle cities over the country
    重庆电力负荷控制系统始建于1992年,到1996年时,已建成了一个由novell网络构成的控制中心、 6个双向中继转发站、 2个单向转发站、各类型终端1260多台,覆盖原重庆电业局所辖供电区域。系统规模在当时全国各大中城市建立的电力负荷系统中居首位。
  • Abstract : there are only two set values ( 30 , 45 ) for interior angle of the stimulated directional power relay as the protection in phase to phase short circuit fault . an accurate setting formula for interior angle of the microprocessor - based directional power relay as the protection in phase to phase short - circuit fault is proposed and analyzed , users can set as a calculation value or at least an optimum in the formula . therefore the operation sensitivity and reliability of the directional relay would be improved greatly . the opinion is new and practical
    文摘:保护相间短路的模拟式功率方向继电器内角的整定值只有两个( 30 、 45 ) ,用户只能在这两个值中选其一;分析并提出了保护相间短路的微机型功率方向继电器内角的准确整定计算公式,用户可以整定为该公式的计算值或至少为最合理的值,从而能显著提高方向继电器的动作灵敏度及可靠性,具有新见解及应用价值。
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